Feb 16, 2012

The Album for Ruth and Scott has been uploaded :)
I cannot thank them enough for being so patient with the crazy wind that day. I took alot of shots that day to make sure eyes weren't watery, blinking or squinting due to wind and dust....also crazy flying hair. All in all it went really great, and Really happy with the shots.
Ruth Maternity Album
(Album is in process of transferring to new site)

Feb 15, 2012

Ruth and the Nursery

Almost time for Baby. I was stoked to find out while talking to Ruth that her and her husband are waiting to find out the sex of their baby. You don't hear about that much anymore and its always cool to find out someone is waiting to find out.

Cannon Maternity Shoot

Recent Maternity Shoot with Ruth and Scott Cannon. They were great and the shoot went really well.

7 Year Anniversary!

Celebrated 7 wonderful years with my amazing wife!
While we were out and about I set up the tripod and set up a self timer shot :)